Mental health problems mean psychiatric disorder or mental illness. Mental health problems are the cause of significant distress or impairment of performance. Mental disorder is associated with stress, disability, increased death, autonomy, depression, anxiety and restlessness. Modern research by an assignment writing service has proved those mental health problems are on the rise among the students.
Most considerable point is why students are facing mental health issue and its serious consequences. According to a new study, published by the American Psychological Association, rates of mood disorders and suicide-related outcomes have increased significantly over the last decades among these age groups, impacting females and those who are wealthier, in particular.
Consequences of mental health problems can be extremely serious; indeed, it can lead to the students toward suicides. Basically, a mental health problem can affect the overall performance of the students. Having a mental disorder is the sign of low performance, physical illness, dissatisfaction, and negative behaviour with family as well as friends. Mental health issues also have long-term effects such as future unemployment, bad health and earning potential. If a student faces a mental health problem then he reduces his energy, concentration and optimistic thinking. In the cause of negativity, mental disabilities affect his academic performance and lose grades. According to the latest research, students lose their grades due to depression and anxiety.
In most cases, depression is the cause of dropping out the school. It is incredibly clear that students cannot concentrate on their studies and lose their grades. On the American College Health Association 2015 survey done by a cheap assignment writing service, college students identified the following mental health issues as negatively impacting their academic performance within the last 12 months:
- Stress (30% of students)
- Anxiety (22%)
- Sleep difficulties (20%)
- Depression (14%)
Let’s discuss the most common mental health problems that students face in their academic journey and how these symptoms can be finished from the life of students. Depression is a bad mental disorder which college students face due to a lot of reasons. According to the APA, depression is the most common mental health problem among college students. Depression leaves serious feeling despondent in the mind of the students and they don’t come up with the realities of life. Facing harsh realities of the world is a quite intimidating task; therefore, they drop out their school as well as academic. It affects students’ brain and biological genetics. This mental issue can be controlled by changing sleeping habits and reducing the stress of the students.
In most cases, loss of appetite and overeating is the cause of mental disorders well as stress. Teachers should note emotional symptoms in the students. If the teacher faces the feeling of hopelessness and overwhelmed then they should encourage the students to empower them. Identifying these issues can help decrease the numbers of mental health problems. Try to reduce the insecurities, fear and embarrassment of the students by delivering them motivational lectures.
Another common reason for the mental health problem is the overuse of social media. Students don’t concentrate on their studies. Indeed, they spend their time on social media rather than their studies. Due to a lot of usage of social media, the student doesn’t participate in physical activities. When a student will not participate in the social activities as well as family events then it is sure that he will become the victim of mental disabilities. Parents, as well as teachers, should encourage their children to spend their time on studies and take part in physical activities. If a student will take part in the game then he will reduce his anxiety.
Anxiety is another most common mental health problem that is finding in the students. According to the report of a UK assignment writing service, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults over the age of 18, yet only one-third seeks and receives treatment. Anxiety can be a cause everyday stress that students face in their academic journey. For example, if a student has a fear about low grades then he will be a victim of the anxiety. Irritability, fearfulness, stress, apprehension, heartbeat, dizziness, tension, muscle pain, headache and diarrhoea are the common symptoms of the anxiety.
Recognizing the sign of anxiety, depression, eating disorder is most essential to get the proper treatment to the students. Yes, of course, an eating disorder is also a very common mental health problem among the students. Even they cannot get proper sleep due to their eating disorder. Drink addiction is also a bad habit that affects the student mind.